The confession process made him stay, The priest couldnt come with her today, She moved about with a sense of civility, Cursing the emancipation and the errors in the society. Ah! Pampers price had risen again! She was conviced *Yubilee was only there for its gain. And Father Korir wasn't preaching hard enough to increase the offering... ...Despite that, she hummed gratefully. A whole tornado of phases, Had followed her like chameleon faeces... Ever since the Father at the cathedral, Had decided to use the 'withdrawal'. Her boyfriend at home, had'nt waited to learn if the child belonged to him, ...but not to worry, 'Her Father' was more polished and educated. He usually came at night, He had 'a reputation' to uphold,'a servant of the might'. Eldoret was cold, And their daughter, now hers alone, had caught a cold. But this night, she was quiet, cold. Face wringled, like one from the old. Quiet forever, She hears he is hiding...